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Planet explorer by Murray Leinster 1989 US Bart books - Typo in name

Planet explorer by Murray Leinster 1989 US Bart books - Typo in name

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Book Title: Planet explorer

Narrative Type: Fiction

Publisher: Bart books

Original Language: English

Intended Audience: Young Adults,Adults

Publication Year: 1989

Type: Novel

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Author: Murray Leinster

Genre: Science Fiction

Topic: Exploration

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Planet explorer by Murray Leinster 1989 US Bart books

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Centuries, eons from now the peculiar, fantastic, astounding MIND OF MAN will conquer strange, new worlds, presently beyond the reaches of imagination-and probe the meaning of the central core of infinity with instruments of incredible scientific precision! YOUR ARE THERE!-
In the far-off era when man will defy gravity, space, time-to explore the UNIVERSE and make immensity his own!
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